Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hurricane Katrina, August 29, 2005

Not a happy "anniversary", but one that we here on the Gulf Coast should learn from.  There was a lot of mishandling and improper national media coverage, from our standpoint.  All they wanted to cover was New Orleans, but they encountered floods from broken, improperly-maintained levees; the most terrible damage occurred along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, where for several miles inland, it looked like a moonscape, wiped clean, from storm surge; I know, I was there for a friend in some of the relief efforts.  Alabama suffered a lot of damage, as well, regarding the fishing industry.  Numerous shrimping and other boats and vessels were shoved inland for a long distance.

I had many Ham radio operators ask me about the condition of the coast, who NEVER saw any damage on national TV or heard of it on the national broadcast radio news about Mississippi or Alabama; we are of the opinion that the media wanted "drama" and not the truth.  These Ham operators were astounded at the damage outside the areas the media didn't cover.  Pictures of Mississippi and Alabama were e-mailed to my fellow Hams all over this country, that the media otherwise ignored....

As for communications along the coast, the Georgia Baptist Society's Ham radio operators took time off from their lives and jobs, many of them for SIX months, brought their own radio gear, generators, supplies, food and fuel and lent their services for police, fire, ambulance, marine police, hospitals, and many, many other emergency services, while the communications infrastructure was being rebuilt.  Most of this activity occurred in Mississippi, with the fringes into Louisiana.  Mobile, Alabama was the "gateway" for digital (and some voice) communications for "health and welfare" messages.  The Hams in the affected areas made arrangements for their own food, fuel and supplies from outside areas, so as not to put any strain on the already overburdened relief efforts.  I remember that there was one broadcast station on the Gulf in Mississippi that survived and was able to offer information, but I cannot remember its call letters now.

Needless to say, there has been a lot of rebuilding, but there are still signs of Katrina all up and down the Louisiana, Mississipi and Alabama coasts.  As with all the other hurricanes we've endured, this one was different; no two are the same.  All we can do is try to learn from each one.  I have been fascinated by these storms and their beauty, as well as fury, ever since I experienced Camille back in '69.  I slightly remember one in '65 as a very young child, but really remember Frederick in '79.  Many stormed have buffeted the Gulf Coast year after year and I have endured all but two and those two were not worth running from; we just saw fit to evacuate two elderly friends, because of their fright at the media's "drama".

Not anything relating to KAAY; just radio-related.  You had to have been there, on the ground, and not in front of the TV set....

Bud S.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"New" Phil North Aircheck, #3

..and Phil/Eric's final comments on this one:

"….I was shortly to leave KAAY and Arkansas forever…..That experience spring boarded me on a future in radio that was as great an adventure as it was lonely….I was able to work with great names in radio like Bob Pitman in Pittsburg, George Klein in Memphis, Al Kacey in Detroit, Dale Dorman in Boston, Beau Weaver in Houston (who I still see when I get out to LA), Tommy Kramer who is my voiceover coach and friend now, Christopher Haze and Kevin McCarthy and THE GREAT Bill Young from KILT…and so many more that I can’t name here….my name was changed by Michael Spears when I was in Dallas and I’ve used it ever since in my voiceover and production here in Houston..…I’ve learned from the best and I am eternally grateful…..and it all goes back to the magic of a place and time where KAAY was a real breathing force of nature. I hope my ramblings have not sedated you too much. I appreciate to opportunity to reminisce and share the magic. Here’s the to MIGHTY 1090…..
All the Best, Eric Chase"

Phil North, April 14, 1971:   stream   |   download

Eric, you'll ALWAYS be "Phil North" to me and many, many others who listened to that mighty, gentle giant of a flamethrower, KAAY!  Thank you SO much for sharing your memories with us!
Personally, I've always liked the un-'scoped airchecks, they feel more nostalgic and evoke many more memories...and I am constantly in search of any and all audio regarding KAAY, not only as an addition to my collection, but to be able to share same with you, dear reader!
My door is open to airchecks of KAAY for the blog...please contact me at my e-mail address below:
Bud S. (

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

KAAY Entry on Encyclopedia of Arkansas!

After months of preparation, editing and bunches of e-mails to & from the folks at Encyclopedia of Arkansas, material from our blog and other sources, my KAAY entry has been accepted and entered:

What a thrill it has been!  Now, I am about to be "contracted" to do an entry for KAAY's predecessor, KTHS.

The home page is: just in case the above link doesn't work; from there, you may click on "See What's New" or just "Browse Entries" by catagory...KAAY is under "Media", then "Broadcasting", then "Radio" and "KAAY(radio)", which is the long way around, but works....

Also, enjoy the various historical entries in this site.  This site is staffed by many, many volunteers, so send 'em a note of appreciation, if you so desire.  And, IF you happen to see something missing or no entry on an important piece of Arkansas history, be sure to contact them- YOU may be published there, as well!

This was another labor of love regarding one of my most favorite radio stations!

Bud S. (

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"New" Phil North Aircheck #2

This is the second aircheck in our three-part posting...and Phil/Eric has more commentary about this audio:

"….Jump ahead to May 1971…I was so glad to hear this aircheck as I think I had improved a lot in a year…The station had purchased a new jingle package from PAMS and I recreated new elements for the news and promos…….just on my own in my pre ADD spare time….I have to thank Wayne Moss for being so indulgent and letting this kid just out of high school (who looked like he was 30—a sort of Vampire on a day pass look- The studio was a cave like place and sunlight was then foreign to me) take over his station by night…He would just show up and I would have audio cart for him with new stuff….He’d just put it on the air….something that would not happen today for sure… I was really enjoying all that I was learning and I thought man this is it….making money really had very little to do with it…it was the live shows and the magic of the studio that I loved…
.That particular aircheck was not 'scoped and hearing all the music and commercials intact really brought it back…there was so much good (and bad) radio back then…and each station carried a lot of weight because there were not many of them…FM was not yet popular and Cable and the Internet was far in the future…there was a knowing and responsibility and reverence to the radio experience that is lost today….I was going thru a lot too as my mother was diagnosed with cancer that year…I was now living in Little Rock contemplating college and Viet Nam ….I thought well I think maybe Armed Forces Radio might be in my future if I was lucky…but I won the only lottery in my life which was the high lottery number from Uncle Sam…so I was saved from the war…
Feeling lucky and relieved I stayed in Little Rock for 1 more year and got a nice break to go to WDRK-Detroit shortly after my mom passed away…."

Phil North, May 18, 1971:   stream   |   download

 DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!  (or, maybe that mouse?)  More to come!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Don Payne: "Hanging In There!"

Don Payne, the man who has the distinction of running Beaker Street the last night on KAAY before administration shut the program down 'way back when, checks in with his latest prognosis:

"Hope everybody's doing ok.

Here's an update on how I'm doing as I continue to fight pancreatic cancer. I got the results back from last week's CT scan and it is showing the tumor on the liver is slightly smaller in size, and the one on the pancreas is about the same. The Doctors say this is good news, and not to be too concerned with the pancreas tumor not shrinking, it could be deceiving as we could be looking at dead cells in this type of scan. When they do blood work every week, they look at a certain protein level which tends to go up or down with the size of the tumors. Last week, this number was way down, which they were very happy about.

You may remember the scan last month showed a 23% shrinkage. I don't have the percentage on this report, but the tumor dropped from 14x8cm to 12x8cm in size. I'll take it!

(Don had attached a radiologist's report, but I didn't think it pertinant to post here...suffice it to say, we'll take the good news! bs)

I take chemo for 3 hours every Monday afternoon, the next one is this coming Monday. I do three sessions then skip a week, then do three more and repeat. I handle it pretty well but it seems to make me tired that evening and the next day. It was causing a fever for a few days after treatment but they are now giving me a pre-med which seems to have solved that problem. This makes things much better. The meds are new cutting edge and don't have the traditional side effects like nausea and hair loss. Although I noticed I am losing a little more hair lately, no big deal to me it was almost gone anyway.

Doctors took me off the blood thinners due to a small bleeding problem I'm having in my spleen. Seems that I tore the membrane around it several weeks ago and it's been a little tender. Doctors think the blood thinners may be causing it not to heal, but I need the thinners to prevent clots from the cancer. So they are watching carefully. I'm up and around and doing stuff like laundry and housework.

Michele is doing great and has been helping out at a resteraunt down the street making a few extra bucks a couple days a week. I am able to cut grass but the Doctors say they only want me driving close by the house due to some dizziness I was having. Some days I feel good, other days I'm tired and have headaches. So I'm following the Doctors orders and appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I will know more about what the Doctors are wanting to do after I meet with them Monday. I would imagine we are going to keep on track with what we have been doing.

I'm hanging in there for now.  Don"
Don, rest assured that we are behind you all the way.  Keep the good reports coming!
And, as I appealed for in an earlier post, if ANYONE has any air checks of Don at ANY station he worked at, please forward it/them to me at my e-mail address, or at least contact me as to where I may obtain such.  Thank you.
Bud S. (

David B. Treadway Comment, Re: Cabs, KAAY

(I just HAD to make this a separate post, because it is so informative!  David comments on the downtown Little Rock picture from the late 1950's a few postings

You'll have to click through to the larger picture, but please note the black and white taxicab on the lower right under the Coca-Cola sign, bearing the phone number 4-0333.

Some time after KTHS became KAAY, a radio spot began airing--with great frequency--urging folks to "Call FRanklin 4-0333, the Black And White Cab Company." I heard this ad for a huge part of my teenage love affair with KAAY. The copy never changed; it was the same spot for YEARS.

When I came to Little Rock in 1971, all the Black And White cabs carried signs advertising KAAY. The ubiquitous "Call FRanklin 4-0333" spots were what we call trade-outs: the cabs carried our signage, we ran spots for them. No money changed hands.

You couldn't walk or drive through Little Rock without seeing KAAY on a cab. Dunno who started the relationship, but I detect the subtle hand of Pat Walsh in there somewhere!

Props to LeeRoy for the picture. It was prescient.

David B. Treadway
Doc Holiday VII

Sunday, August 22, 2010


As I have mentioned before, my time at KAAY was one of the most fantastic, pleasant, and professionally rewarding experiences that I've EVER had in my career.

As the year 1971 began and progressed, I was thankful for some of the sweetest & nicest girls that had shared time with me:  Kerry, Barbara, Peggy, Judy, Debby, Katy, Doris, Linda, Cookie, plus a few others...all just great.

Also, as KAAY's "Ultimate Car Guy", I did most of the remotes that involved Detroit Iron, and so it was that the "Funmobile" & myself were at the Barton Collesium on Friday, January 22 & Saturday, January 23, for the 1971 Annual Hot Rod Show World Rod & Custom Show.

(By way of explanation:  In the R&C Industry the Winter Shows (Jan.-Mar.) are held indoors; from April - Sept. the shows are outdoors.)

In any event, this show was just SUPER !   And the featured cars were the Sonic Cuda, the Bugs Buggy, the Red Baron, the award-winning Fire Truck, and many others built by Chuck Miller at his Styleline Customs shop in Detroit.  Interestingly, less than two years later, I'd be moving to Detroit myself to work at WDRQ-FM.

NOW Flash Forward To 2007:   I'm attending the Induction Ceremonies at the Darryl Starbird National Rod & Custom Hall Of Fame and one of the new Inductees is CHUCK MILLER !  During an Interview I'm doing with Chuck, he starts going over many of his favorite cars that he's put together during the years...and the proverbial "light bulb" goes on over my head !   I saw most of the cars that Chuck was talking about in Little Rock in January, 1971 !

As I'm driving back to St. Louis I KNOW that, somewhere in the vast Archives Of The
King, I still have that magazine I was given at the time to use the info for at the Remote. It has Features on ALL of the cars we talked about, Chuck's Bio, and many other interesting notes on him. (That's it at the top of this page !)

Sure enough, I dig it out, call Chuck, and we're both amazed at the fact that 36 years after I saw his expert craftsmanship in person, that we've finally met & done an Interview together !

A few months later we got together at the yearly KKOA Lead Sled in Salina, KS., I did an update Interview with Chuck and brought the above pictured mag. for him to sign...Great Memories for him AND me !  (Since that time, Chuck, his new bride, Candi, and myself have become good friends, visit at shows a couple of times a year, update his newest info, and I have a standing Invitation to come to the Detroit Autorama that Chuck works with every year, and visit anytime.)

From Little Rock to Detroit and back again...AND how great that return trip was !

God bless all of my KAAY friends, and if any of the above named girls read this, please drop me an eMail.  One of you left your sunglasses in my glove compartment !  I've saved 'em, and if you can identify 'em you can certainly come and get 'em.


PS:   To Hear Chuck's Interview That I Mentioned Above, Just Click-On This Link:

Friday, August 20, 2010

"New" Phil North Airchecks!

I am ever on the lookout and search for audio and memorabilia we haven't posted here yet (or on A.J.'s blog) and I was fortunate enough to find numerous more airchecks!  We'll begin with three airchecks I got of Phil North; I'd sent these to Phil/Eric Chase for his listening pleasure and he sent back some great comments:

"Eric Chase (formerly Phil North in another life at KAAY) wrote:

I was recently sent 3 old airchecks of me from 1970 & ’71….while I know it’s me I have a surreal felling that it’s really someone else…I certainly don’t remember the day of the shows or actually uttering the words… but I remember what was going on in my life at the time…

..the first tape was I think from Feb of 1970…I was still in high school with 4 months to go before graduation….I had been chosen to attend the VFW Boy’s State program (where I was elected Governor of Boy’s State by quoting and reworking old commentaries from my favorite news influence, Edward R Murrow in my speeches…(it was that moment that I decided that I would never go into politics…too easy to say the right thing and NOT know what you were really talking about-come to think of it perhaps I should have run)….so I was a giddy high schooler on the largest station in Arkansas with one of the largest signals in the country…how cool is that…….I was really searching for my sound as a radio personality and was copying everybody…Mike McCormick was my mentor and he was always coaching me to be myself and natural (something that has taken 40 years to finally get) …he shared airchecks from our sister station KILT in Houston so I was on a Steve Lundy kick at the time….I remember the great old ABC Contemporary News LOGO in that show with Mary Donald who was a very nice woman but very quite doing her news across the glass…

..I was responsible for the on air imaging however and for some reason I remember all of those elements very well…all produced using 2 full track Ampex tape machines and old RCA ribbon mic and lots of imagination…very crude by today’s standards…it was all the more gratifying when art flowed from the production room because everyone know it wasn’t the equipment but the artist that made it happen.. ….I did a lot of editing of old jingles and getting VO tracks from Steve Lundy from KILT and generally playing in the old studio all thru my time at KAAY...."

Phil North KAAY, Feb. 1970:   stream   |   download

The next post will have another aircheck and more commentary!

First Regular Licensed Radio Broadcast Today, 1920!

Most assuredly, there have been radio broadcasts which took place before this date in 1920; however, today is the first day a regular broadcast began with a licensed station.  KDKA wasn't licensed until November of 1920, but Westinghouse's engineer, Frank Conrad was asked by his company to go on the air on this date for testing purposes.  Although this information is a little murky, today is said to be the first day "regular licensed radio" began.

Frank Conrad had been on the air as a clandestine broadcaster as Westinghouse developed the de Forest vacuum tube, for the war effort (WW I).  He used a phonograph to test the audio.  In defiance of the government order not to listen, numerous other experimenters would call him while listening in, reporting his audio quality.  For more information, see "100 Years of Radio Broadcasting", check this link:

Unfortunately, KTHS isn't mentioned, but this is still an interesting read.  Enjoy!

Bud S. (

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Marvelous" Mark Larsen spinnin' that Donna Summer...

...or was it that new Foreigner song?  Marvelous Mark rockin' 28 states at 50,000 watt KAAY Little Rock, circa 1978.  I still love those RCA BC-7A boards.  With that vertical panel, it was really hard to spill anything in there, unless you were a total geek!  Virtually indestructible Gates carts in the background -- Dave M. had them on sequencer auto fire!  And that venerable Electro-Voice RE20 mic.  I still use one today in my studio.  This was from the Cottondale Lane shop.  As stated earlier on this blog, KAAY was my all-time favorite music radio gig.  B97 in New Orleans was serious fun, but Little Rock the best!
-Mark Larsen, Tampa Bay

Main Street, Little Rock, AR, About 1918

Leave it to Dave M. to find neat stuff for the blog!

"Ain't this a kick in da pants! This picture is Main Street Little Rock, about 1918.

What I noticed was the electric streetcar and overhead catenaries. I remember my mom and dad talking about the days when Little Rock had street cars, but never really thought about it much other than it would have been pretty cool to catch a ride in one.

Nowadays, there is a stampede back to electric as being a clean and cheap energy source. What was once old is now new again. Heh.

 Seeya, //DM//"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

KTHS, Downtown Little Rock, late 1950's

This is a great color picture that Dave M. sent in for the blog!  Nice, clear and crisp!  He mentioned that it may be around 1958, the file says 1956, but either way, it is a good picture, with KTHS in the upper right-hand corner.

We'd posted the announcement before, but here it is again, compliments of Dave once again!

This file was marked 3/24/1953....

Thanks, Dave!

Bud S. (

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Yellow Funmobile

This ISN'T the last Funmobile, only a picture of one similar to it (this is from 1968).  I'd been told the last KAAY Funmobile burned on the side of a highway somewhere, and inquired of several folks from the 1970s Who Were There....

David B. Treadway said it was a Pace Arrow and a "hideous shade of yellow".  Greg Fadick, a.k.a. "Hot Scott Fisher" was there, but on late nights at the time...he also confirmed that it was "painted a horrible shade of yellow, but even without the color, the overall style (or lack of style) of the vehicle made it beyond ugly.  In fact, we used to refer to it as the Banana Bus."

Greg said it was about 10 years old when they got it, so the picture is, again, of a 1968 Pace Arrow...just guessing, for the record, of about when they were refurbing it for the station in the late 1970's.  He said Tom (Roberts?) and Felix did a great job on the interior, but it wasn't in action long before it burned and Greg never had a chance to work out of it.  Also, he seems to remember the burned-out hulk sat in the back parking lot for awhile before it was finally towed away....

I'd also called Felix McDonald, who remembered it, but didn't remember the reason why it burned.  By the way, Felix is doing better after the small stroke he experienced last year, so if you're in touch with him, give him a short call to say "Hi!".  It was good to speak with him.  Nonetheless, most of these old RVs were powered by 460 Ford or 454 Chevy gasoline engines and all it took sometimes was for a neoprene rubber gas line to degrade, rupture and away it goes...these and other RVs are not known for their engines to be readily accessable, so sometimes, things went unnoticed....

The good thing about this Funmobile was that it was self-powered, but it just didn't last long.  If anyone has any pictures of this particular Funmobile, please send them to my e-mail address below, or contact me via e-mail for my mailing address; I'll be glad to scan them (and any other pictures pertaining to KAAY!) and return them afterward.

Bud S. (

Monday, August 16, 2010

Me and Barry Mac!

You saw him on the video awhile back on "Whatever Happened To The Mighty 1090?" and you've heard his contributions to our blog in many, many ads and audio bits...and here is the man himself, Barry Mac!  Ol' fat boy (your host) is on the left....

Barry was coming through Mobile on his way home to Arkansas, with his son, from a vacation in Destin, FL (see, he wasn't afraid of anything regarding oil on the Gulf Coast.  His son said it was great!).  He took time to stop and graciously allowed me to meet with him for a few minutes- I felt like a 5-year-old at a surprise birthday party!  As he had quite a ride ahead of him for the evening, I didn't want to intrude any more than he had time for me to!

Barry has the distinction, you remember, of operating the board on the last evening of the last day KAAY was a rock-n-roll station...and ran the board for Clyde Clifford that last hour...and I shook the hand of that man....several times!

Barry was on board in the latter glory days and stayed on afterward.  He did a show with some of the old audio called "KAAY Rewound" which then turned into a regular show, "Radio Yesterday".  As happens with seemingly all radio stations, a good employee and upper level management sometimes don't see eye-to-eye and one divorces another...hence, happening in this case.

Needless to say, I found Barry to be quite humble, informative, and very patient with me; I really enjoyed my short visit with him.  I feel proud and quite fortunate to have met him and hope to run into him again in the future.

Thank you Barry, we appreciate you!

Bud S. (

Updated Link for Head LP Info

For all Beaker Street fans -- I just noticed that the music blog Redtelephone66, which has a good writeup on the Head LP, has moved their website.

The new URL is:

The new site also provides a link to download the entire Head LP, including the cut "Cannabis Sativa" that was used as the trippy bed on Beaker Street. The old reader comments about the use of Head on KAAY did not transfer over from the old site, so maybe there needs to be some new ones.

Another writeup of the Head album also exists at:

Greg Barman
Denver CO

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rebel Springs Rock Festival '73

We've received another nice little ad from Barry Mac, this one regarding the Rebel Springs Rock Festival from 1973!  Featured bands were ZZ Top, Bloodrock and River City.  It took place on July 4, 5 and 6, 1973, from noon 'til midnight on all three days.  There were no prepaid tickets and were $12 dollars for all three days at the gate- that's $4 per day!  No where will we EVER see those ticket prices again....

Thank you, Barry!

Rebel Springs Rock Festival:   stream   |   download

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Don Payne, Fighting Pancreatic Cancer

Here's Don Payne maintaining the WTLC-FM transmitter approximately last year.  Don is the Chief Engineer over five radio stations and one TV station in the Indianapolis, IN market for Radio One.  He also has the distinction of being the last deejay to air Beaker Street on KAAY before it was shut down.  No airchecks are known to exist.  If anyone has ANY airchecks of Don while he was on the air, please forward them to me for posting here!

Don contacted me last week, thinking I'd fallen off the planet- I think our e-mail systems just didn't jive, spam filters, and all- and he told me that he'd recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  So far, he's been successfully treated, the tumor having been reduced by 23%, and he wanted me to forward his story and info...this is the first part, he tells me:


Ok, lets start from the beginning. Firstly, I need to put in writing that you do have my permission to share this with the KAAY blog in it's entirety. There are new laws called HIPA (Health Information Privacy Act) where people have been sued for discussing private medical info with others. Don't worry, no problem here.

Back in the middle of May I had a swollen ankle. It was sore and so swollen you couldn't see or feel the ankle bones. I could barely walk on it. Doctors gave me Ibuprofin and said I had sprained it. This helped and then the swelling moved to the other ankle, then both. I was hobbling around work dragging my legs. After a few more days, I got nausea driving on the way to work drinking my morning cup of coffee. Doctors thought I had blood clots in my ankles and ordered an ultrascan of my legs and ankles which showed nothing. Went to the MedCheck after a few days and they said I had allergies and sold me a hundred dollar bottle of nose spray.

My family Doctor was in the process of retiring so I was trying to find a new Doctor thru all of this, which didn't help. I have a few Doctor friends...neighbors that I hang out with and they said I showed definite signs of Diabetes. So I went back to my new Doctor and she did blood work looking at my sugar and glucose levels and everything, trying to figure out what was wrong. I had no pain but was low on energy.

The lab showed glucose was fine, but my liver functions were "out of whack" as they called it. They took a stool sample and there was traces of blood in my stool. They took a urine test, and it came out dark orange. The Doctor said she didn't have to anaylize the urine, she could see it wasn't right from across the room. She ordered an immediate ultrasound of my liver. I went home about 3PM and barely got in the door when the phone rang. The tests showed blood clots in each lung, and two "spots" on my pancreas. The Doctor ordered me directly to the hospital and I grabbed a few things and headed in there that night. They scooped me up in a wheelchair and did an immediate CT scan. It showed blood clots in the lungs and tumors on the pancreas which had spread to the liver. They immediately put me on blood thinners to dissolve the clots.

The next day they did a biopsy which determined the cancer was real.

I learned I had cancer at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, then they showed me a video on how to give myself shots in the stomach twice a day and sent me home....and I'm afraid of needles! (I'm proud to say I got over that, and am now pretty good at giving myself injections.)

The Doctors put me on a couple of new cutting-edge wonder drugs.

I've been taking weekly chemo treatments and have lost about 45 lbs but am doing quite well. I went thru about a 6 week phase where I had no energy and could not eat without throwing up. I couldn't have made it thru this without my wife, Michele. (Yes we got married thru this). A couple of good reasons, one was insurance. One of the pills I take every day costs 426 dollars!

So that's the first chapter, there is more, but for now I will attach the email from my General Manager Chuck Williams, announcing to the staff my condition. Feel free to use it in your update to the group.

I am maintaining a good attitude and have fun with the nurses and Doctors at the chemo sessions. I have not allowed myself to get angry or scared. My body needs this energy right now for other things, and I honestly believe this is one reason I'm doing better. I will cover the latest news in the next email, but the latest scan showed the tumors have been shrinking. Praise God as my healing companion! What do you think?


(here is the email from Chuck Williams, GM at Radio One of Indy)

Indy team-

Don asked me to share some information he recently received as a result of various tests his Doctors have ordered over the last few days.

Don has learned that he has two blood clots in his lungs and has been placed on an appropriate blood thinner in order to dissolve the clots. This has been working well enough that Don has been released from the hospital after a couple of days.

While in the hospital, the Doctors learned Don's clots formed as a reaction to malignant tumors discovered on his pancreas and his liver.

Don asked me to share that he will begin chemo treatments immediately on Monday and is asking each of us for our support and prayers, and to keep him in your thoughts as he fights back to force his cancer into remission.

Don tells me the Doctors will be using a promising new drug, that works without the traditional side effects. Don is also reviewing alternative options.

I know you will all want to reach out to Don, and I ask that initially, you email him so he or Michelle can respond when he is most ready to reach back out to you.

I can tell you he looks strong and 100 times better than he did early last week. Don is a courageous fighter, you all know that. Let's keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Dear readers, please lend Don your prayers and support, whatever your faith or beliefs.  More as I hear from him.
If you want to send messages of encouragement to Don, please send them to my e-mail below and I will forward them; I have found a way past our spam/e-mail blocks to get to him and, if he wants direct contact, I will make the arrangements, due to the sensitive nature of his time and treatment.
Thank you, all.
Bud S. (

The Hogmobile!

If it could be done, I'll bet those guys at KAAY could do it!  From left to right, this is Mike McCormick (Barry Wood), Phil North, Jonnie King, Larry Montgomery (assistant) and Clyde Clifford (Dale Seidenswarz) in front of the motorized Razorback Hogmobile!  We'd mentioned the other KAAY Funmobiles in the past, but I found this on Jonnie King's website ( and just had to share it with you dear readers- with Jonnie's permission, of course, pending your participation in going to his website and enjoying the fine Jonnie King history there!  Do it!

I'd forgotten to ask Jonnie, KAAY's then-resident-car-guy, what the Hogmobile was based on, chassis-wise.  Looks to be about the size of a Volkswagon Beetle, or Thing, maybe?  Maybe Warden VW donated the auto for publicity!?!?  Maybe we'll never know, but someone in the Big K Crew drove this thing!

If anyone else has any history on The Hogmobile, please pass it on!  This is great history that needs to "get out"!  Jonnie says this picture hasn't been seen in public since it was taken, until he put it on his website and shared it with us here, as well.  It was taken September 12, 1970 at the Razorback Pep Rally.  Thank you, Jonnie!

For more great radio history, please go to:

Bud S. (

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Dramatics,At Discount Records/Soul Bro. Records

I'd never heard of The Dramatics, but here is a nice ad from the Barry Mac archives announcing a new album, "A Dramatic Experience", by this group.  These were available at Discount Records and Soul Brothers Record Shop....the date is unknown.

The CD is available via Amazon, as well as other Dramatics music:

If you want to see more on The Dramatics, here is their webpage:

Dramatics at Discount Records:   stream   |   download

Monday, August 9, 2010

Downtown Little Rock and KTHS

A. J. has posted this 'way back on his blog and I thought it would be interesting to look back again.  KTHS moved to Little Rock's Main Street from Hot Springs and, in the picture at the upper left, you'll see the call letters on the building.  Later, in 1954, KTHS moved to a new building on 8th and Izard, the first in Arkansas built for both radio and television broadcasting.  Television station KTHV signed on the air in 1955 and was on the first floor, KTHS on the second floor.

When LIN Broadcasting bought KTHS, the call letters were changed to KAAY.

This picture is so cool, with all the old cars and buses...real iron!  And ladies dressed like ladies!

Does anyone else have any old pictures along this line?  Please forward them on to me so they can be posted for all to enjoy!

Can ANYONE positively identify the year of this picture?

(I got a correction on the above information by an anonymous reader- thank you, sir or ma'am!)

Bud S. (

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Nice G.E. AM/FM Portable

I got this years ago, from either my wife's garage sale days, or directly from a friend- I can't remember all of the circumstances, I just remember that I have radios!  This is a General Electric P975F portable AM/FM transistorized portable receiver.  I believe the vintage to be about the mid 1970s, due to the design and style; I can't seem to find any technical information on the 'web.  There are manuals for sale, of course....

It's a 15-transistor model (remember a posting mentioning if more transistors make a radio better?), powered by four "AA" cells.  As a transistor radio, one can usually put batteries in it, and it'll play, if nothing's wrong with it (like having gotten wet in the past & something shorting out!).  This one isn't operational right now, so it's on my "look at" list....

The leather cover is still in very nice shape and the carry handle and shoulder strap are fully intact, but could use a little TLC.  A nice feature is that the tuning and volume controls are recessed into the left-hand side.  The AM/FM button could get punched by mistake, though.  The telescoping whip isn't overly long, either and is external to the radio.  I was amazed at the cleanliness inside the radio- it obviously had stayed inside most of its life.

I can see some cute chick carrying this on the way to a Funmobile remote location, while listening to KAAY!  Could she have listened to Sonny Martin, Phil North, Bob Robbins, George J. Jennings or Jonnie King with it?  Possibly- I'll bet she could have....

What did YOU listen to KAAY with?

Bud S. (

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Arvin 446-P AM Portable

This is a little tube-type portable AM receiver that my wife and a friend found and gave to me.  This little sweetie was made in 1950 in two colors, Maroon (which you see here) and Sandlewood.  It has four tubes and was powered by one 67-1/2 volt (Eveready #467 or equiv.) and two "D" batteries.

It is surprisingly in very good shape, but I'll bet it'll need a little TLC in replacing some capacitors before it can be fired up.  They really crammed the parts in radios this small, so it'll definitely be a labor of love.

I can see this one in the basket of a bicycle (cradled in a towel of course), heading out to an open field to listen to a favorite radio station!

What did YOU listen to KAAY with?

Bud S. (

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Go Get A Warden VW & Get Outta Dat Tub!

Here is another fun ad, courtesy of Barry Mac.  Does anyone know who the voice talents were for Ralphie and Harietta?  The date of the ad is unknown.

Warden Volkswagon, located on 8415 New Benton Highway in Little Rock, AR, was giving a "six-wheel special" consisting of a 10-speed European bicycle with every VW deal...the "Spring Ecology Special", it was called...for $2181!

Here's some memorabilia to enjoy, along with the audio!

Did any listeners in the Little Rock or surrounding areas ever take advantage of this deal?

Warden VW ad:   stream   |   download