Saturday, April 24, 2021

KAAY Funmobile At Barton Coliseum

 Posted by Bill Harper and Ron Pitts on Facebook:

This is during the Fleetwood Mac tour in 1977.  Bill Harper said, "Question regarding the Fleetwood Mac Rumors tour stop at Barton in 1977.  Anybody else remember the concert being originally scheduled for March 11th but being rescheduled to June 25th? This actually happened if I remember correctly, right? Tickets are stamped Friday March 11, but every tour date I find on the web (including Fleetwood Mac sites) state the date was actually Saturday June 25th. Thoughts? What do you all remember?"

Note: Someone else mentioned that they opened for Loggins and Messina...
Thanks, guys!
Bud S. (

Saturday, April 10, 2021

KAAY Control Room, Plus A Beautiful Lady!

 Barry Mac posted this on Facebook on 4/9/2021:

"A pretty good shot of the 7th Street control room, circa 1968. I have no idea who the young lady is, but I think I DO recognize the cart deck, as I'm pretty sure it was donated to KABF here in Little Rock back in 1984, which means I used it many times over the course of about a decade."


Someone mentioned this would possibly be in the early '70s, due to the 12-button phone- prior to '69, they were 10-button phones, that the # and * buttons were added after '69....

 I have been told by some other KAAY folks that they often invited listeners and fans to have their pictures taken at the board, etc. in the station...hence, the unknown name of this beautiful lady...

Thanks, Barry!  Keep up the good work!

Bud S. (