on JUKE BOX 96 Radio in St. Louis on New Year's Eve, 1993, I received a surprise
phone call from my old friend the Legendary WOLFMAN JACK
I had no idea that The Wolfman was going
to do this...it took me completely by surprise. I can't really tell you how
grateful I was for his kind gesture, and if I sound excited on this recording
it's because I truly was !
This piece of Audio History had been
locked-up in my Audio Archives for all these years, but I wanted to share it
with all of you so that you could once again hear his voice, and so that I could
fittingly pay Tribute to this wonderful, truly professional, R&R Radio
Icon: My Friend, WOLFMAN JACK.
ALSO, I've added some of my personal
thoughts & remembrances of this Radio Legend & Hall Of Famer on this
same Page. PLUS, if you listen closely, you can "CLAP FOR THE WOLFMAN" with the Guess Who !!
READY ? OKAY, THEN JUST Click-On This Link http://www.legends.thewwbc.net/gpage25.html and re-live a part Rock & Roll
Radio History on "New Year's Eve, 1993, With Wolfman Jack" !
Thanks again to each & everyone...and I hope 2013 is a FANTASTIC year for you all !
Your friend,
Jonnie King www.jonnieking.net
Thanks again to each & everyone...and I hope 2013 is a FANTASTIC year for you all !
Your friend,
Jonnie King www.jonnieking.net