Thursday, August 7, 2014

Retro Post: Another "Christmas In August"!

From A.J.'s blog, once again we have Jim Pitcock, a.k.a. "Ron Owens", as Santa during a "Christmas In August" promotion.  The following are A.J.'s words from his blog, with link:

"Contests and promotions were contributing factors to the success of KAAY. There were always several contests going at once. A variety of contests with different ways to enter, were key factors. In those days, many of the proof of listeners was from the mail that was received from across the country.

One contest I found a picture to support was the "Christmas in August" contest. I don't even remember the details, perhaps one of you can refresh my memory. I know it involved Jim Pitcock whose air name was Ron Owens (I think). We thought it was so funny to dress skinny Jim in a Santa suit with NO padding and drive him around in a convertible in the heat of an Arkansas August."

I don't know the reason for the title, "Never the 91 caller", only A.J. knew for, if there is anyone out there who remembers the details of this contest, please e-mail me, so I can add your comments here for everyone to enjoy!

Thanks, A.J.

Bud S. (

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