Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wayne Moss: The Best Christmas Wish

Good folks, I had an interesting conversation with Wayne Moss several months ago and thought it was appropriate to post this portion of said conversation now.  Wayne mentioned that the best Christmas wish he'd ever gotten involved with was coats for needy kids about ten years old or about the fourth grade.  Well, these kids truly needed warm coats, so they (folks of KAAY) took them to a clothing store.  Funny how kids back then thought (certainly not like a lot of kids today)- they didn't go for the fancy coats, or the best coats...they picked very humble coats.  As if they didn't want to stand out or didn't want a good coat.  As if they thought they didn't deserve such.  Nonetheless, the kids were encouraged to pick very adequate coats for their needs, against the cold Arkansas winter.....and they got them, due to KAAY staffers' insistance.

Even more touching was, when KAAY expressed a need for children during this season (remember the Toys For Tots program mentioned on this and A.J. Lindsey's blog?), how folks stepped forward and practically shoved money at the radio station to buy toys, clothing and other goods.  Wayne mentioned that thay had so much money to spend, that it was amazing, that it was so wonderful how people actually GAVE.  The problem was, when they (the KAAY staff) got to different stores, the vendors would not take the money when they found out what it was for!  They offered many things, loading up the staff and refused the money.  Wayne said he and the staff argued, begged and pleaded with the store personnel and owners to please take the money, they HAD to spend it, but were refused by all.

What a wonderful problem to have, yes?  Wayne said they finally spent the money on behalf of the kids, but was amazed at the generosity of the public.

Would it always be so....

Bud S. (

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