Dear Folks, we are very fortunate to have Dave Schmidt along to take care of the technical aspects of this blog- he has attached the Beaker Street New Year's audio we have posted last year on the right-hand tool my knowledge, this is the ONLY New Year's Eve audio we have from ANY part of any December 31st. If I am mistaken, someone please set me right...and if anyone has ANY other New Year's (or ANY holiday) audio, please contact me at the e-mail address below....
In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that 2012 is very, very prosperous for you, dear reader, and that good health is yours all though the year!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Ken Reitz's New Book
"Hi Bud --
Hope the New Year goes well for you and all the KAAY fans! I wanted to let you know about a Kindle eBook I just published, some of which might be of interest to your readers.
It's called “How to Listen to the World” and it's an introduction to shortwave listening, amateur radio, Free-to-Air satellite TV/radio, AM-FM DX, Internet radio and the new phenomenon of cord-cutting; getting off the addiction to cable and satellite-TV. Much of the material is from columns and feature articles I wrote over the last two years for Monitoring Times. Each section has been updated to include the latest information available with over 100 links to the most important websites for each topic. Previously unpublished material has also been added to give the reader a fuller understanding of each topic. Kindle e-books can be read on any e-reader, laptop, desktop, or smartphone. I also have a feature article in the January issue called, "Who's Killing AM Radio? (And, why isn't it dead yet?). And, in the February issue will be a feature by our AM/FM radio columnist Doug Smith W9WI on DXing the AM band called, "AM DX: An Old Service Yields New Thrills." Best wishes to all for a great New Year. -- Ken KS4ZR
Ken Reitz, Features Editor
Monitoring Times
"How to Listen to the World"
A Kindle e-Book"
Folks, Ken is a fan and supporter of this blog and is a great writer. Please take advantage of this new publication offer at this link:
Thank you Ken!
Bud S. (
Dave Montgomery's Portable Radio...!
Here's what a portable radio looked like in the early days!
Happy New Year, all!
Washington, D.C., circa 1924. "Brent Daniel, formerly of the Radio Laboratory of the Bureau of Standards at Washington, with the first portable Super-Heterodyne, his own design. The seven vacuum tubes, batteries, loop antenna, loudspeaker and other necessary units are completely self-contained in the carrying case. He has been able to hear Pacific Coast stations from this outfit."
Photo and story Credit:
Happy New Year, all!
Washington, D.C., circa 1924. "Brent Daniel, formerly of the Radio Laboratory of the Bureau of Standards at Washington, with the first portable Super-Heterodyne, his own design. The seven vacuum tubes, batteries, loop antenna, loudspeaker and other necessary units are completely self-contained in the carrying case. He has been able to hear Pacific Coast stations from this outfit."
Photo and story Credit:
"The Mighty 1090 Gave Arkansas To North America"
Greg Barman just reminded me of a great article from the Arkansas Business magazine...and I think we visited it a long time ago, but it bears per Greg's e-mail from the website:
"The 20 Arkansas Icons feature was part of the 20th Anniversary edition of the Arkansas Business magazine, and since they began in 1984 this probably appeared in 2004. The Icons were supposed to "be recognized as representative of the state even by non-Arkansans - people, institutions and phenomena that are uniquely Arkansas." So KAAY is among icons such as Bill Clinton, Billy Bob Thornton, Central High School, Wal-Mart, and the Arkansas Razorbacks. Access to this link is still free, even though much of the magazine is behind a paywall. So check this out while you still can."
Good reading! I'd used a bit of this information myself when I wrote my entry into the Encyclopedia of Arkansas. Please visit this site as soon as you can, while you still can!
Kudos to Greg Barman for alerting us!
Bud S. (
"The 20 Arkansas Icons feature was part of the 20th Anniversary edition of the Arkansas Business magazine, and since they began in 1984 this probably appeared in 2004. The Icons were supposed to "be recognized as representative of the state even by non-Arkansans - people, institutions and phenomena that are uniquely Arkansas." So KAAY is among icons such as Bill Clinton, Billy Bob Thornton, Central High School, Wal-Mart, and the Arkansas Razorbacks. Access to this link is still free, even though much of the magazine is behind a paywall. So check this out while you still can."
Good reading! I'd used a bit of this information myself when I wrote my entry into the Encyclopedia of Arkansas. Please visit this site as soon as you can, while you still can!
Kudos to Greg Barman for alerting us!
Bud S. (
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Music Is Still Alive On AM!
Even a blind pig can find an acorn once in awhile...and as I twiddle the AM dial, every now and then, I find something interesting! This time, it was "All Blues Saturday" on WDIA, 1070 on the dial, from Memphis, TN:
I happened to tune in very early (5:18 Central) Saturday morning and found them, before they faded into the gray line. Yes, I grew up on a farm and still have that "early rise" habit, even on my days off. In fact, my body clock STILL hasn't adjusted to this latest time change; I regularly wake up right around 4:00 AM most mornings. I need to make better use of that time....
Another I found late at night when I got called back in to work was WCNZ,"The Avenue" ( 1660 AM on Marco Island, FL...great mix of jazz, early rock, easy listening and such. I heard it with a GREAT signal over a closer station in Chipley, FL.
Nonetheless, AM isn't totally populated with sports and talk...root around and see what's out there after dark and early in the morning!
Bud S. (
(as an addendum, a reader left the following comment:"KMOX AM 1120 plays music on Saturday nights from 8pm-1am provided there is not a Cardinals game or St. Louis blues hockey. Sometimes the music will start at around 9 or 10, just depends on the sports schedule."
I'd mentioned KMOX's Johnny Rabbitt's music show, "Route 66" that I'd mentioned in a post long ago, regarding a review on a little radio I'd done. "Route 66" gets pre-empted a lot by sports. Good reminder, thanks for the catch! bs)
I happened to tune in very early (5:18 Central) Saturday morning and found them, before they faded into the gray line. Yes, I grew up on a farm and still have that "early rise" habit, even on my days off. In fact, my body clock STILL hasn't adjusted to this latest time change; I regularly wake up right around 4:00 AM most mornings. I need to make better use of that time....
Another I found late at night when I got called back in to work was WCNZ,"The Avenue" ( 1660 AM on Marco Island, FL...great mix of jazz, early rock, easy listening and such. I heard it with a GREAT signal over a closer station in Chipley, FL.
Nonetheless, AM isn't totally populated with sports and talk...root around and see what's out there after dark and early in the morning!
Bud S. (
(as an addendum, a reader left the following comment:"KMOX AM 1120 plays music on Saturday nights from 8pm-1am provided there is not a Cardinals game or St. Louis blues hockey. Sometimes the music will start at around 9 or 10, just depends on the sports schedule."
I'd mentioned KMOX's Johnny Rabbitt's music show, "Route 66" that I'd mentioned in a post long ago, regarding a review on a little radio I'd done. "Route 66" gets pre-empted a lot by sports. Good reminder, thanks for the catch! bs)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE, THE LEGENDARY "WOLFMAN JACK" GAVE ME A SURPRISE PHONE CALL on New Year's Eve, 1993, when I was doing my show on JUKE BOX 96 Radio/St. Louis.
I've saved this audio in my Personal Archive's for all these years...and now, as a Special New Year's Gift, I want to share it with you. Just click-on here or paste it in your browser to listen:
... and be sure to pass this link onto a friend right now so they can hear it too:
BECAUSE I've re-mastered the Audio so you can "CLAP FOR THE WOLFMAN" with the Guess Who ! ENJOY !
AND,A VERY Happy New Year to all of you ! God Bless & Thanks for making 2011 our best year ever !!
Your friend,
Jonnie King
AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE, THE LEGENDARY "WOLFMAN JACK" GAVE ME A SURPRISE PHONE CALL on New Year's Eve, 1993, when I was doing my show on JUKE BOX 96 Radio/St. Louis.
I've saved this audio in my Personal Archive's for all these years...and now, as a Special New Year's Gift, I want to share it with you. Just click-on here or paste it in your browser to listen:
... and be sure to pass this link onto a friend right now so they can hear it too:
BECAUSE I've re-mastered the Audio so you can "CLAP FOR THE WOLFMAN" with the Guess Who ! ENJOY !
AND,A VERY Happy New Year to all of you ! God Bless & Thanks for making 2011 our best year ever !!
Your friend,
Jonnie King
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Jim Cleveland's Firestone R-3121 Radio
"Hi Bud,
I have noted that you have a keen interest in old radios, so I thought I would pass this one along.
An elderly lady, who had lived and worked in San Antonio, had retired and was living in Arkansas. She happened to have been acquainted with my mother. When she passed away in 1976, at the age of ninety three, she left me this old Firestone push-button radio. I have no idea how old it is. The electric cord had deteriorated, so I replaced it. I plugged it in, turned it on, and to my surprise the tubes were still good, and to this day, it still works! I have included a close up photo showing the push buttons and call letters of the radio stations that they were programmed to— KTSA, KPRC, WOAI, KONO and KABC. The lettering on the back read R-312. Hopefully, you or someone can determine the age of this radio.
Thank you and best regards!
Jim Cleveland"
Thank you, Jim! Jim later found the radio on and it is listed as "1938?"
I love beautiful old radios...thank you, Jim!
Bud S. (
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas, 2011
Dear reader and visitor, I apologize that I have no Christmas audio this year for you to enjoy, as we had last many things kept getting in the way...however, if you'd like to listen to Greg Barman's great compilation of audio we'd gathered from various KAAY personnel, et. al., here is the link (just in case you missed the great insert on the right toolbar, compliments of Dave S.):
All are still with us, except for Jerry Sims...he will live on in these pages and audio for as long as this blog is alive....
To all my friends, far and near, who visit and support this blog...may this season find you blessed and fortunate, in good health and with sufficient means for good life, that all is well with you and that many, many years of happiness and peace are before you. Celebrate this season with love, the greatest gift of all....
Bud S. (
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wayne Moss: The Best Christmas Wish
Good folks, I had an interesting conversation with Wayne Moss several months ago and thought it was appropriate to post this portion of said conversation now. Wayne mentioned that the best Christmas wish he'd ever gotten involved with was coats for needy kids about ten years old or about the fourth grade. Well, these kids truly needed warm coats, so they (folks of KAAY) took them to a clothing store. Funny how kids back then thought (certainly not like a lot of kids today)- they didn't go for the fancy coats, or the best coats...they picked very humble coats. As if they didn't want to stand out or didn't want a good coat. As if they thought they didn't deserve such. Nonetheless, the kids were encouraged to pick very adequate coats for their needs, against the cold Arkansas winter.....and they got them, due to KAAY staffers' insistance.
Even more touching was, when KAAY expressed a need for children during this season (remember the Toys For Tots program mentioned on this and A.J. Lindsey's blog?), how folks stepped forward and practically shoved money at the radio station to buy toys, clothing and other goods. Wayne mentioned that thay had so much money to spend, that it was amazing, that it was so wonderful how people actually GAVE. The problem was, when they (the KAAY staff) got to different stores, the vendors would not take the money when they found out what it was for! They offered many things, loading up the staff and refused the money. Wayne said he and the staff argued, begged and pleaded with the store personnel and owners to please take the money, they HAD to spend it, but were refused by all.
What a wonderful problem to have, yes? Wayne said they finally spent the money on behalf of the kids, but was amazed at the generosity of the public.
Would it always be so....
Bud S. (
Even more touching was, when KAAY expressed a need for children during this season (remember the Toys For Tots program mentioned on this and A.J. Lindsey's blog?), how folks stepped forward and practically shoved money at the radio station to buy toys, clothing and other goods. Wayne mentioned that thay had so much money to spend, that it was amazing, that it was so wonderful how people actually GAVE. The problem was, when they (the KAAY staff) got to different stores, the vendors would not take the money when they found out what it was for! They offered many things, loading up the staff and refused the money. Wayne said he and the staff argued, begged and pleaded with the store personnel and owners to please take the money, they HAD to spend it, but were refused by all.
What a wonderful problem to have, yes? Wayne said they finally spent the money on behalf of the kids, but was amazed at the generosity of the public.
Would it always be so....
Bud S. (
Friday, December 23, 2011
Yes, my 2011 Christmas & Holiday Film List is OnLine for all to see !
Last minute gift wrapping, finishing up them good Christmas cookies, still have a few cards you didn't send out yet ?
Whatever you're doing, you can watch these over the weekend...and even next week, 'cause they're all cool and you'll miss a few that you'll need to catch-up with !
As usual, it's an eclectic list of some you know, some you've never heard of, and some that are so good that you'll want to make sure you watch 'em again next year.
Just go to the Front Page of my WebSite and you'll see the Link there:
A Merry Christmas to All...And, to All a Good Nite ! God Bless us...Everyone !
Jonnie King
Yes, my 2011 Christmas & Holiday Film List is OnLine for all to see !
Last minute gift wrapping, finishing up them good Christmas cookies, still have a few cards you didn't send out yet ?
Whatever you're doing, you can watch these over the weekend...and even next week, 'cause they're all cool and you'll miss a few that you'll need to catch-up with !
As usual, it's an eclectic list of some you know, some you've never heard of, and some that are so good that you'll want to make sure you watch 'em again next year.
Just go to the Front Page of my WebSite and you'll see the Link there:
A Merry Christmas to All...And, to All a Good Nite ! God Bless us...Everyone !
Jonnie King
Goodies From Lee Frank!
Newsman Lee Frank sent along a couple of things to share with you, dear reader and visitor! The first picture is that of a KAAY windbreaker, circa mid-1970s! It is in very good shape, just a slight stain on the front. Sturdily-made, it has snap front pockets around the bottom front. So well-made, one wouldn't mind wearing it even today! However, as this is another rare artifact Lee donated for the blog, it will certainly be kept in storage and not worn...
However, I couldn't resist trying on the cap he sent along with the jacket- and it fit my big ol' head!
The foam backing is crumbling slightly, but the cap is in very good shape, as well!
Lee found these items in his basement, if I recall, and alerted me by e-mail that it was in the way. I apologize for not sharing it sooner, Lee..."life" and a full SIM card in the camera (due to my daughter!) kept getting in the way!
Again, we are fortunate to experience these memorabilia from Lee Frank...Thanks, Lee!
Bud S. (
Thursday, December 22, 2011
"Engineer's Night Before Christmas" from Jim Bodine
Thought you'd get a kick out of this, if you haven't already seen it, Bud. Merry Christmas for the folks who haven't seen it before…
The Engineer's Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas and I had finally gotten home
When my Wife met me at the door and handed me the phone.
"It's that darn remote control thing" she said in great dismay
And the Burk doesn't call simply to say Happy Holiday.
So while my children were hanging the stockings by the chimney with care
I'm preoccupied trying to get the transmitter back on the air.
"ON filaments, ON plate, NO output? You stupid ____""
Recycle, RESET, Overload? I'm fixen ----!!"
Regaining my composure to notice my Daughter's staring face
Asking "Daddy - do you HAVE to go to that transmitter place??"
"Yes Honey", I said "But it won't be for long"
Hoping deep down inside that I wasn't wrong.
So out I trudged into the cold winter's night
To the world's most remote tower site.
Driving past all the houses, lit up with holiday glee
Feeling sorry for myself -- and asking why me ??
But as I got closer my heart was feeling some lighter
When all of a sudden -- I started hearing the EXCITER!
"Powr Supply"! I thought ... "surely it's not the final"
My heart's racing now, anticipating my arrival.
With schematic after schematic dancing in my head
"what if the plate transformer's shorted dead"??
Throwing open the gate and running into the shack
I start to tackle the problem and race around the back
Where much to my amazement what did I see ??
A half open back door door --- apparently not shut good --- BY ME !!
So as I return to my cottage after a night so tiring,
I'm wondering if perhaps McDonald's is hiring !
Then I think "What a profession --- I could never leave"
After all, I've got maintenance scheduled for NEW YEARS'S EVE !!
The Engineer's Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas and I had finally gotten home
When my Wife met me at the door and handed me the phone.
"It's that darn remote control thing" she said in great dismay
And the Burk doesn't call simply to say Happy Holiday.
So while my children were hanging the stockings by the chimney with care
I'm preoccupied trying to get the transmitter back on the air.
"ON filaments, ON plate, NO output? You stupid ____""
Recycle, RESET, Overload? I'm fixen ----!!"
Regaining my composure to notice my Daughter's staring face
Asking "Daddy - do you HAVE to go to that transmitter place??"
"Yes Honey", I said "But it won't be for long"
Hoping deep down inside that I wasn't wrong.
So out I trudged into the cold winter's night
To the world's most remote tower site.
Driving past all the houses, lit up with holiday glee
Feeling sorry for myself -- and asking why me ??
But as I got closer my heart was feeling some lighter
When all of a sudden -- I started hearing the EXCITER!
"Powr Supply"! I thought ... "surely it's not the final"
My heart's racing now, anticipating my arrival.
With schematic after schematic dancing in my head
"what if the plate transformer's shorted dead"??
Throwing open the gate and running into the shack
I start to tackle the problem and race around the back
Where much to my amazement what did I see ??
A half open back door door --- apparently not shut good --- BY ME !!
So as I return to my cottage after a night so tiring,
I'm wondering if perhaps McDonald's is hiring !
Then I think "What a profession --- I could never leave"
After all, I've got maintenance scheduled for NEW YEARS'S EVE !!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
More Goodies From Richard Robinson
Here is a copy of Richard's dissertation (parts of which he's shared with us here on this blog). I tried several times with my digital camera to get a clean picture, but the gold lettering glistened so well....
I literally ate this dissertation in a huge gulp! Richard told me, in his humble way, that he thought I might be bored with it- that it repeated several things over a time or three, but I found it fascinating! I blasted through it, devouring it page by page..and the appendices in the rear- oh. boy! Picture after picture, copy after copy of letters, documents, etc.! There was even a letter to Clyde Clifford from a police department near New Orleans, LA who mentioned that they listened in and were big fans- and that if he ever got caught speeding in their district, that particular letter was literally his "get out of jail free card"!
It was so much fun reading it, I literally forgot to get dressed!
OOPS! Where was my shirt????
Thank you, Richard!
Bud S. (
Friday, December 16, 2011
Goodies To Share From Richard Robinson
Folks, I am so blessed and fortunate with how so many people want to share the wonderful history of KAAY with you and I! Richard Robinson sent along a few goods for us to enjoy and I'd like to share them here with you....
No, I didn't peel-n-stick this now-rare bumper sticker on my 1969 GMC pick-up truck- I left the backing on and used painter's tape! It would have been ruined by the time I got to the end of my dirt promptly went back into storage!!!
Hey, how about that cool pen and case? Richard's father-in-law Eddie Graham gave him this, after he was put into sales. Some of you may or may not remember, but Eddie Graham was a long-time studio engineer who was put into sales- reluctantly, on his part- and who did a wonderful job in that position, according to everyone who commented on his salesmanship. This was a pen and case set that KAAY gave to their customers. I just wish the picture would give justice to that precision pen....
More to come! Thanks, Richard!
Bud S. (
No, I didn't peel-n-stick this now-rare bumper sticker on my 1969 GMC pick-up truck- I left the backing on and used painter's tape! It would have been ruined by the time I got to the end of my dirt promptly went back into storage!!!
Hey, how about that cool pen and case? Richard's father-in-law Eddie Graham gave him this, after he was put into sales. Some of you may or may not remember, but Eddie Graham was a long-time studio engineer who was put into sales- reluctantly, on his part- and who did a wonderful job in that position, according to everyone who commented on his salesmanship. This was a pen and case set that KAAY gave to their customers. I just wish the picture would give justice to that precision pen....
More to come! Thanks, Richard!
Bud S. (
Thursday, December 15, 2011
My Old Green Zenith
I've mentioned my old green Zenith tube table radio before on the blog...the one that glowed in the dark and I listened all over the country on the AM broadcast band. Well, to my best recollection, here is one nearly like it, but this one has FM on it, too. I didn't remember FM....mine was AM only, but the similar models I've found have not been in this color green, and mine was definitely this color and AM only. It also had "Zenith" where the FM numbering is on this '725.
This one is a 1951 model, a Zenith H725Z1. I would dearly love to have another one, in the same green color, but I'll take any of the "725" (or closely-related) models, which were a variety of colors.
I'm getting more and more into refurbishing- not restoration- since many of the old-stock parts are no longer available, but the new, more-available parts are SO much better. Some folks go to the "nth degree' and hollow out the old cardboard capacitors and stuff the newer, smaller caps inside, then put them back in place. Nice, if you have the time!
I have so much to do, that if St. Peter will let me take them to Heaven with me, I'll have to do it just to finish all I have currently. I haven't shown 1/10 of my collection here yet, but I'll sneak one or two in here at times.
I have several projects going at a, a 1953 +/- Johnson Viking II Transmitter, ready to start testing...a late 1940's Hallicrafters S-38C needing just a few caps to finish (it already works, but has some marginal wax caps just waiting to pop!) and a Monarch classic 5-tube receiever needing a little TLC, just to start. Time is a premium, however. I was discussing the lack of time with a fellow Ham the other day...I mentioned that when I was a kid, the hands on a clock would barely budge, but now that I'm older, those same hands look like a fan!
Enough running on...needless to say, there's always room for one more radio....
Bud S. (
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
An Interesting Beaker Street Question
Jim Lister sent me an e-mail this morning:
"Do you have any info about a radio drama - possibly BBC Sherlock Holmes drama - with a cameo appearance by Clyde Clifford. If I remember correctly - somebody knocked on the door to 221b Baker Street and it opened to Clyde doing an Beaker Street Air Check - and someone said Baker Street not Beaker Street..."
I have sent Clyde an inquiry about this. An interesting question, to be sure. Anybody have any idea about this, please?
Bud S. (
"Do you have any info about a radio drama - possibly BBC Sherlock Holmes drama - with a cameo appearance by Clyde Clifford. If I remember correctly - somebody knocked on the door to 221b Baker Street and it opened to Clyde doing an Beaker Street Air Check - and someone said Baker Street not Beaker Street..."
I have sent Clyde an inquiry about this. An interesting question, to be sure. Anybody have any idea about this, please?
Bud S. (
KAAY Union Bank Ad
Heritage Highlights with Bob Barton presented some interesting history in this latest ad from Barry Mac. It's not often these days to hear some interesting ads like is always ramped up, yelling, all sliders to the max, making us turn that volume down. But this, this is an interesting ad!
(Or download from the archive page.)
Thanks again to Barry Mac for sharing this little tidbit of aural history! And thanks to Dave S. for the archiving of these important historical audio tracks!
Bud S. (
(Or download from the archive page.)
Thanks again to Barry Mac for sharing this little tidbit of aural history! And thanks to Dave S. for the archiving of these important historical audio tracks!
Bud S. (
Monday, December 12, 2011
Don Payne Remembered
Today is the one-year anniversary of Don's passing into Eternety. I think of Don often, always fondly. Don was one of those people who had it both ways: he was an engineer and had the talent to be behind the mic as well! He always had fun at everything he did and it showed in his performance and everything he did!
Please, we are STILL searching for any airchecks of Don at KAAY, particularly when he was running Beaker Street, since he was the last regular deejay to run the program. A Beaker Street aircheck of Don would be absolute GOLD for us here on the blog!
Thank you, Don, for enriching our lives!
Bud S. (
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Unrelated, But Relevant: Harry Morgan
Right next to my favorite show WKRP is that of M*A*S*H; I let one of the most beloved of the show's death pass right by me in my busy workaday world...Harry Morgan, "Colonel Sherman T. Potter" passed away on Dec. 7, 2011.
Me TV will be airing a M*A*S*H marathon the week of 12/12/11 in rememberance of Harry Morgan:
M*A*S*H was a hit all over the country, but expecially to me, since having been a local civilian Paramedic so many years ago. Like the show, but in civilian life, we experienced wild, unbelievable work conditions and have blown off steam at times, much like those characters. Yes, some of us were even shot at, attacked, beat up and the like in our duties to help preserve life; other times, shattering emotions gripped us after a particularly bad scene.
Harry Morgan's character Colonel Potter was an anchor in such times; we all needed an anchor in the real world, as well. Even so, us in the civilian sector could find humor in most things, in a warped sort of way. Colonel Potter was one of those "regular Army-types" who could bend enough with his troops and still keep control and morale within guidelines.
So, with M*A*S*H ending, but living on in syndication, so will Harry Morgan.
We'll keep watching, Harry....
Bud S. (
Friday, December 9, 2011
KAAY November 20, 1969, with Ron Owens, Part 2!
Here is the second part of the recording perviously posted. The song it opens with ("Echo Park") and ended with in the last post is are the lyrics:
"It's the morning
Soon, he'll rise
Finds the glasses for his eyes
Aren't what they used to be
Picks up the clothes
He's worn so long
On the bureau sits
The picture of a lady
And the mural of a man
Who've been gone for many years
The old man walks in Echo Park
From bench to bench he moves
From morning til dark
For the ducks
Some bread he brings
Wonder if he'll feed them
This time next spring
Listening to the children play
Reminds him of the days
Many years ago
Thoughts of a child
That he helped grow
And memory of a letter
Saying, dear Sir
We regret to inform you
Your son will not be coming home
Old man, tell me are there fears
Do you measure life in years
Or is one day all you'll ever know
Oh, oh, oh...
The old man walks in Echo Park
From bench to bench he moves
From morning til dark
The old man walks in Echo Park
From bench to bench he moves..."
Ron Owens must have been in a "park" sort of mood, because he played "Cherry Hill Park" later....
There is a great newscast on this recording, consisting of some memorable historical moments.
Can anyone tell us the time in which Walt Sadler (as "Ron Owens") worked at KAAY? I've searched what records we have and I've been unable to come up with his years of tenure...
"Congratulations! You have picked a winner! KAAY, Little Rock, AR. Presenting Ron Owens, one of KAAY's Fun Fall Guys!" (Who was that announcer, please?)
or download here
Again, compliments of Russell Wells' collection and audio expertise of Dave S.!
Bud S. (
"It's the morning
Soon, he'll rise
Finds the glasses for his eyes
Aren't what they used to be
Picks up the clothes
He's worn so long
On the bureau sits
The picture of a lady
And the mural of a man
Who've been gone for many years
The old man walks in Echo Park
From bench to bench he moves
From morning til dark
For the ducks
Some bread he brings
Wonder if he'll feed them
This time next spring
Listening to the children play
Reminds him of the days
Many years ago
Thoughts of a child
That he helped grow
And memory of a letter
Saying, dear Sir
We regret to inform you
Your son will not be coming home
Old man, tell me are there fears
Do you measure life in years
Or is one day all you'll ever know
Oh, oh, oh...
The old man walks in Echo Park
From bench to bench he moves
From morning til dark
The old man walks in Echo Park
From bench to bench he moves..."
Ron Owens must have been in a "park" sort of mood, because he played "Cherry Hill Park" later....
There is a great newscast on this recording, consisting of some memorable historical moments.
Can anyone tell us the time in which Walt Sadler (as "Ron Owens") worked at KAAY? I've searched what records we have and I've been unable to come up with his years of tenure...
"Congratulations! You have picked a winner! KAAY, Little Rock, AR. Presenting Ron Owens, one of KAAY's Fun Fall Guys!" (Who was that announcer, please?)
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Again, compliments of Russell Wells' collection and audio expertise of Dave S.!
Bud S. (
Thursday, December 8, 2011
My Last Autographed Poster: "Beat Rice!"
And here it is folks, the last one, signed by "Sonny Martin II" himself, my friend Jerry Sims.
Thank you, Jerry, it was a pleasure to be your friend and to receive these signed posters.
Bud S. (
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7, 1941, "A Date That Will Live In Infamy"
Two thousand, three hundred and ninety lives were lost in this attack on American soil. My father-in-law had survived, thankfully. There have been other attacks on our soil as well- many evoking the same emotions of rage and sorrow. Unfortunately, those emotions die and we go about our daily existence....
Please do not forget...remember...and thank those WWII vets who were there, their ranks are dwindling every day.
Bud S. (
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
KAAY November 20, 1969, with Ron Owens Part 1!
Here's Ron Owens! This was Walt Sadler, who was a newsman at KAAY, as well. You can tell he has fun while on the air. Jerry Sims, the 2nd "Sonny Martin" mentioned Walt a lot in his posts and said that Walt probably had the best natural voice in the business. There's a KTHV advertisement near the beginning and all through the recording, it is unscoped...which many of us love! It gives us a wonderful sense of "being there" once again....
Bill Edwards was the newsman on this audio offering, about 10:00 into the recording. Also, several interesting classic commercials are interspersed throughout.
About 15:00 into the recording, it sounds like Gary Gears announcing Ron Owens...can anyone substantiate this?
Apparently, this is right off studio tape; you can hear a little warble here and there. Russell Wells had obtained some of these recordings from Pat Walsh years ago.
If you've heard parts of this recording before, it was probably on A.J. Lindsey's blog; I think this may be the link:
Regardless, here is the full version sent to us to enjoy by Russell:
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Stay tuned for Part 2 of Ron Owens on this date of recording, compliments of Russell Wells and Dave S.!
Bud S. (
Sunday, December 4, 2011
KAAY, Broadcasting Magazine, Sept. 17, 1962
Here is a clipping I found on line awhile back, touting the sale of KTHS to LIN Broadcasting Inc. back in 1962. I can't remember if I'd ever seen this before, so I thought I'd bring this little historical tidbet to the blog for all to enjoy!
I think they may have meant "Rob" instead of "Ron" Robbins...?
Bud S. (
Saturday, December 3, 2011
"Beat OSU!" Autographed Poster
I think Jerry Sims, "Sonny Martin II" was as thrilled at autographing these posters as I was to receive them! That last day, when he dropped me off at the hotel, I whipped out a Sharpie and asked him and he said, "Lay 'em out!"
One day, I'll have these sleeved or framed...but until then, I am happy to share them with you, dear reader!
Bud S. (
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A Complete Silver Dollar Survey, July 29, 1963
If memory serves me correctly, we've been able to find a couple of these with one edge cut off. I found this complete one recently and thought I'd share it with you! From left to right, there's Doc Holiday (A.J. Lindsey), Mike McCormick (Jim Hankins), Sonny Martin (Wayne Moss), Buddy Karr (Tom Bigby in 1963?), Rob Robbins (Tom Campbell in 1963?) and Ken Knight (Howard Watson). Some of the names changed in later years and I don't have a concrete clear history on Tom Bigby or Tom Campbell, except that they were "There" in 1962....
Any corrections, please? I hope you enjoy these little bits of history we're able to dig up and post here!
Bud S. (
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
KAAY April 2, 1969, with Rob Robbins, in for Ken Knight!
Here is an unusual recording, one of a "Robbins"...the name got passed around a lot with "Rock", "Bob", etc. all during KAAY's early years...and this one is "Rob Robbins" in for Ken Knight (who was Jerry Don Pitcock then). Does anyone know who this particular Robbins was? It's too late for Tom Campbell and I think too early for Bob Spears, who became "Bob Robbins" in the early 1970s, and still is.
You know that the folks at KAAY always had a lot of fun...just listen to when "Rob" announced his own show, "The Big Rob Robbins Show: at about 8:50 into the recording and got a long drawn out "boooooo!" from someone! Communications Exchange News was reported by Rob Robbins at the beginning and by Clyde Clifford at the end of this recording.
This is a relatively short recording, due to the 'scoping. Thanks to Russell Wells for this contribution and to Dave S. for his audio help!
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Bud S. (
You know that the folks at KAAY always had a lot of fun...just listen to when "Rob" announced his own show, "The Big Rob Robbins Show: at about 8:50 into the recording and got a long drawn out "boooooo!" from someone! Communications Exchange News was reported by Rob Robbins at the beginning and by Clyde Clifford at the end of this recording.
This is a relatively short recording, due to the 'scoping. Thanks to Russell Wells for this contribution and to Dave S. for his audio help!
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Bud S. (
Friday, November 25, 2011
Comments From A Reader
This is a comment I thought would be nice to repeat, even though it was added on as a comment on the 9/28/11 post, "KAAY June 5, 1968 With Rock Robbins". It is in regard to a "shout out" to Ross Douglass during the aircheck attached to the post. Well, Doug Ward checked in and left this comment:
"Greetings from a grandson of Ross Douglass and thanks for this post. I've been reading the KAAY blogs periodically, and it was an unexpected pleasure to see my Grandad mention here, however briefly. Many thanks the KAAY alumni who contribute to this blog.
I'd like to mention that Ross Douglass was a WWII veteran in the Pacific theatre aboard the USS Watts as a radio operator. When he returned home, he was an avid amateur radio operator, and I have a box full of QSL cards he received when he enjoyed that hobby.
I'm not a ham myself, but I wish you all: 73s!
Doug Ward
Beebe, Ark."
Isn't it a small world? These are great, intimate comments we like to see. A young man who listens and contributes to KAAY, and later the grandson who reads about him and comments on the blog- what a connection!
Some may think this is trivial, but not me. Thank you, Doug Ward! We'd love to see a picture or two of a couple of your grandad's favorite or most memorable QSL(s).
Bud S., KC4HGH (
"Greetings from a grandson of Ross Douglass and thanks for this post. I've been reading the KAAY blogs periodically, and it was an unexpected pleasure to see my Grandad mention here, however briefly. Many thanks the KAAY alumni who contribute to this blog.
I'd like to mention that Ross Douglass was a WWII veteran in the Pacific theatre aboard the USS Watts as a radio operator. When he returned home, he was an avid amateur radio operator, and I have a box full of QSL cards he received when he enjoyed that hobby.
I'm not a ham myself, but I wish you all: 73s!
Doug Ward
Beebe, Ark."
Isn't it a small world? These are great, intimate comments we like to see. A young man who listens and contributes to KAAY, and later the grandson who reads about him and comments on the blog- what a connection!
Some may think this is trivial, but not me. Thank you, Doug Ward! We'd love to see a picture or two of a couple of your grandad's favorite or most memorable QSL(s).
Bud S., KC4HGH (
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here's hoping you all have a restful, peaceful Thanksgiving. Please remember that this isn't just a holiday- it was a day of celebration many, many years ago for a group of people, looking to live in a free land and their giving thanks for surviving in the wilderness of this new land.
In the past, we've posted this audio; please click the link, listen and give thanks:
Bud S. (
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
"Beat Houston!" Autographed Poster
Now, I know the late Texas football fan George Jennings and the 3rd "Sonny Martin" (Matt White) had a running feud in the morning time slot, which sounded pretty serious at times...just listen to some of the airchecks posted here. But, no, dear reader, this poster was autographed by the second "Sonny Martin", Jerry Sims! Jerry never mentioned anything about he and George batting anything around regarding football...that probably wasn't thought of at the time.
Nonetheless, enjoy this little bit of history! I'm sure glad Pat Walsh had these printed...they have lasted for many, many years!
Bud S. (
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Scott Charton Checks In!
Howdy do! What a rush to hear from another Great of KAAY! Here's Scott's e-mail below:
"Dear Bud,
I came across your search message through a Google alert today. It’s very kind of you to think of me. I’m not lost – just mis-placed!
I worked in news at KAAY in 1981-82, before joining the Associated Press as a reporter. My KAAY-KLPQ stint included the innovative "Trimulcast," when the AM-FM morning show was carried live on Storer cable TV. I retired from AP in 2005 after serving in the Arkansas and Missouri bureaus and as a roving correspondent, specializing in politics, government and features. From AP I became director of communications for the four-campus University of Missouri System, advising the UM president and the system’s governing Board of Curators. The University of Missouri-Columbia is proud home of the world’s oldest School of Journalism. Since 2005, I have been CEO of Charton Communications, a media consulting firm based in Columbia, Mo., and handling communications for corporations and statewide ballot issue campaigns. After all this time, I still get the biggest kick out of the affectionate “KAAY-was-the-soundtrack-of-my-youth” memories expressed by folks from Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and other Midwestern states about the 50,000-watt giant. I’d love to hear from old radio friends, at
I haven’t visited with Brian Chase in many years, but after KAAY he did mornings in New Orleans, and I believe he is now running out of Las Vegas, providing materials for morning shows across the nation.
It’s also been many years since I’ve seen or heard from Dr. Grady Brock, one of the all-time great personalities. I had the honor of doing news for Dr. Brock on the old KKYK-FM during a week when Craig O’Neill and Eric Brown were both vacationing back in the early ‘80s. I’ll never forget his screamed introduction: “And now, Big S and the boring news.” Still cracks me up.
Small world: my lovely cousin, fellow Conway County native Jennifer Trafford Hines, has established her own wide fan base on Arkansas radio, currently alongside Bob Robbins at KSSN-FM!
Thanks so much for reaching out.
All the best,
Scott Charton
Charton Communications & Consulting"
Thank you, Scott!
Scott had also mentioned Brian Chase; I'd found his e-mail address again and contacted him, getting a reply that he'd check with us soon.
Fantastic that we're hearing from The Greats, isn't it? If anyone knows anything else about Dr. Grady Brock, please pass the information on at my e-mail address below- thanks!
Bud S. (
"Dear Bud,
I came across your search message through a Google alert today. It’s very kind of you to think of me. I’m not lost – just mis-placed!
I worked in news at KAAY in 1981-82, before joining the Associated Press as a reporter. My KAAY-KLPQ stint included the innovative "Trimulcast," when the AM-FM morning show was carried live on Storer cable TV. I retired from AP in 2005 after serving in the Arkansas and Missouri bureaus and as a roving correspondent, specializing in politics, government and features. From AP I became director of communications for the four-campus University of Missouri System, advising the UM president and the system’s governing Board of Curators. The University of Missouri-Columbia is proud home of the world’s oldest School of Journalism. Since 2005, I have been CEO of Charton Communications, a media consulting firm based in Columbia, Mo., and handling communications for corporations and statewide ballot issue campaigns. After all this time, I still get the biggest kick out of the affectionate “KAAY-was-the-soundtrack-of-my-youth” memories expressed by folks from Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and other Midwestern states about the 50,000-watt giant. I’d love to hear from old radio friends, at
I haven’t visited with Brian Chase in many years, but after KAAY he did mornings in New Orleans, and I believe he is now running out of Las Vegas, providing materials for morning shows across the nation.
It’s also been many years since I’ve seen or heard from Dr. Grady Brock, one of the all-time great personalities. I had the honor of doing news for Dr. Brock on the old KKYK-FM during a week when Craig O’Neill and Eric Brown were both vacationing back in the early ‘80s. I’ll never forget his screamed introduction: “And now, Big S and the boring news.” Still cracks me up.
Small world: my lovely cousin, fellow Conway County native Jennifer Trafford Hines, has established her own wide fan base on Arkansas radio, currently alongside Bob Robbins at KSSN-FM!
Thanks so much for reaching out.
All the best,
Scott Charton
Charton Communications & Consulting"
Thank you, Scott!
Scott had also mentioned Brian Chase; I'd found his e-mail address again and contacted him, getting a reply that he'd check with us soon.
Fantastic that we're hearing from The Greats, isn't it? If anyone knows anything else about Dr. Grady Brock, please pass the information on at my e-mail address below- thanks!
Bud S. (
Personalities Still Sought
As I continue research for this blog, it is sometimes a little frustrating that I am unable to contact numerous people or sources. To be sure this is a very small percentage of the folks who have already checked in and given a little history of their tenure at KAAY or in LIN Broadcasting. We all know that air names are often used, then disposed of, or picked up or copied by another person in another market, etc. Sometimes, folks are often reluctant to "look back" or are riding the crest or wave in their current busy schedule- and that's OK!
Regardless of the reason, I want to assure you all, listeners and staff alike, that I appreciate EVERYTHING sent to the blog in the way of little snippets of info, histories, memorabilia, anecdotes, stories, anything having to do with KAAY. There is still a list of folks I'd DEARLY love to hear from, below:
-J. J. West, 1977 (the year I graduated from high school)
-J. Michael Hankins, "Mike McCormick"
-Scott Charton, 1981
-Brian Chase, 1980
-Dr. Grady Brock, 1976 (is he still alive?)
I'm sure more may come to mind later and I'll add them as memory permits, but this is my Christmas list!
Does anyone have any contact information on them, please? (I have "re-e-mailed" Brian Chase once again).
Thanks, all!
Bud S. (
Regardless of the reason, I want to assure you all, listeners and staff alike, that I appreciate EVERYTHING sent to the blog in the way of little snippets of info, histories, memorabilia, anecdotes, stories, anything having to do with KAAY. There is still a list of folks I'd DEARLY love to hear from, below:
-J. J. West, 1977 (the year I graduated from high school)
-J. Michael Hankins, "Mike McCormick"
-Scott Charton, 1981
-Brian Chase, 1980
-Dr. Grady Brock, 1976 (is he still alive?)
I'm sure more may come to mind later and I'll add them as memory permits, but this is my Christmas list!
Does anyone have any contact information on them, please? (I have "re-e-mailed" Brian Chase once again).
Thanks, all!
Bud S. (
Monday, November 21, 2011
Harriet Coffey Lauded!
Some of you may remember Harriet Coffey, who worked at KAAY 1978-1980. She was recently lauded for her excellence in broadcasting! Here is her e-mail to me as of November 20, 2011:
"Hi Bud,
I hope all is well with you and yours and that the holiday season is moving nicely for you. For me, this has been a truly great week! I was featured in our NBC affiliate Channel 36's series on Charlotte's Top Radio Personalities. Except for me, a midday personality, all others were from morning drive shows, including Bob and Sheri from 107.9 The Link, John Boy and Billy from 99.7 The Fox and Tanner in the Morning from 103.7 WSOC. More details are available at and click on Charlotte Today. I've also been informed that I will receive a Lifetime Achievement Honor at The Charlotte Music Awards on December 8th. For ticket info, CMA details are available at . To top it off, yesterday was my birthday and the eighth anniversary of working at 95.7FM The Ride. Life is good!
All the best, Harriet Coffey
Harriet Coffey "
Congrats, Harriet and happy birthday, from listeners and KAAY staff!
Bud S. (
"Hi Bud,
I hope all is well with you and yours and that the holiday season is moving nicely for you. For me, this has been a truly great week! I was featured in our NBC affiliate Channel 36's series on Charlotte's Top Radio Personalities. Except for me, a midday personality, all others were from morning drive shows, including Bob and Sheri from 107.9 The Link, John Boy and Billy from 99.7 The Fox and Tanner in the Morning from 103.7 WSOC. More details are available at and click on Charlotte Today. I've also been informed that I will receive a Lifetime Achievement Honor at The Charlotte Music Awards on December 8th. For ticket info, CMA details are available at . To top it off, yesterday was my birthday and the eighth anniversary of working at 95.7FM The Ride. Life is good!
All the best, Harriet Coffey
Harriet Coffey "
Congrats, Harriet and happy birthday, from listeners and KAAY staff!
Bud S. (
Friday, November 18, 2011
Autographed Poster..."Beat TCU!"
Yet another autographed poster by "Sonny Martin II", Jerry Sims!
I hope you're enjoying these little tidbits of history. Please leave a comment or two....
Bud S. (
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
KAAY January 3, 1969 With Mike McCormick (Barry Wood)
This audio bit of history opens with Mike McCormick (Barry Wood) doing the news AND his own show! Watch out, Ray Charles jumps out at you on this early Friday afternoon 'scoped version. Ron Owens (Walt Sadler) picks up the news later in this broadcast.
Another cool Coca Cola commercial with Lulu follows; whatever happened to nice, long commercials? Nowadays, it's all "cram 'em in" and seconds-long ads. I'm almost out of breath listening to commercials on today's radio stations. I generally turn away when the ads come on, radio or TV....
More great material here, folks, compliments of Russell Wells; archival greatness, as always, by Dave S. brings this audio to you....
or download here
Bud S. (
Another cool Coca Cola commercial with Lulu follows; whatever happened to nice, long commercials? Nowadays, it's all "cram 'em in" and seconds-long ads. I'm almost out of breath listening to commercials on today's radio stations. I generally turn away when the ads come on, radio or TV....
More great material here, folks, compliments of Russell Wells; archival greatness, as always, by Dave S. brings this audio to you....
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Bud S. (
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Hope all are having a GREAT Fall Season...and will have a Happy Thanksgiving !
One of the most special things in my life that I'm am always grateful for is having been a part of the History of KAAY: The Mighty 1090.
One of the most special things in my life that I'm am always grateful for is having been a part of the History of KAAY: The Mighty 1090.
The address was 1425 W.7th Street as you'll see in the photo above, and, oh, the stories the building at that address could tell !
For our Big K friends who might not have heard this, from my Personal Archives, I've pulled out one of my favorite Airchecks from the Fall of 1971. As you'll hear, it was also Razorback Football Season, and there was always excitement on-the-air and off !
All you have to do to hear this small piece of Big K History is simply go to the Front Page of my WebSite, listen, and, enjoy !
Stay safe & well my friends,
Another Autographed Poster
Yet another treasure we rescued...and Jerry autographed it as well on the last day I saw him on my trip to Little Rock.
I will always hold this and other items dear which Jerry gave me. OK, watch for the next one!
Bud S. (
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veteran's Day
Please tell a veteran today- ESPECIALLY today- that you are appreciative of all he or she has done, no matter where or when they served. They did it all for YOU.
Bud S. (
Thursday, November 10, 2011
KAAY January 3, 1969 With Sonny Martin (Matt White)
Here's the third "Sonny Martin", who was and still is Matt White. 'Scoped on the music ( I like un'scoped versions, like hearing the music, but I ain't picky where history is concerned!), typically from reel-to-reel tape, this Friday's broadcast opens with fishing info, into a long, interesting Coca Cola commercial.
The volume, at first, fades slightly up & down, probably due to the old tape & how it was run.
Lots of familiar commercials again for this time period. Hollywood Hotline by Jimmy Fidler, news by Ron Owens (Walt Sadler) ...robbery, taxes, politics- nothing's changed! Can you hear that news ticker going off in the background?
Those atheletes in the sports report were my heroes: Beamon, Fosbury- I tried my best to perform like they did!
or download here
We hope you're enjoying all the great historical treats sent in by Russell Wells; thanks go to Russell and also to Dave S. for his audio wizardry!
Bud S. (
The volume, at first, fades slightly up & down, probably due to the old tape & how it was run.
Lots of familiar commercials again for this time period. Hollywood Hotline by Jimmy Fidler, news by Ron Owens (Walt Sadler) ...robbery, taxes, politics- nothing's changed! Can you hear that news ticker going off in the background?
Those atheletes in the sports report were my heroes: Beamon, Fosbury- I tried my best to perform like they did!
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
We hope you're enjoying all the great historical treats sent in by Russell Wells; thanks go to Russell and also to Dave S. for his audio wizardry!
Bud S. (
Friday, November 4, 2011
KAAY May 16, 1968 With Sonny Martin/Jonesboro Tornado
Thanks again to Russell Wells for this audio! This "Sonny Martin" is Matt White and begins with a bit of music, into a KAAY jingle at 7;00 AM, into COMEX News with George J. Jennings. Once, he sounds like he said "George G. Jennings"....
The report is grim, reporting the tornados in the area and 48 deaths so far. This is good reporting of a terrible tragedy....and reminiscent of the great KAAY news staff. Please listen, remembering that back in 1968, they didn't have the technology we enjoy today.
Hey, who was that "Doc Holiday? Too early for Al Eisenman...must be Ray Brown?
There is more great programming and music, mostly unscoped. Riviting reporting. Heartfelt content at its best.
or download here
Thanks again to Dave S.!
Bud S. (
The report is grim, reporting the tornados in the area and 48 deaths so far. This is good reporting of a terrible tragedy....and reminiscent of the great KAAY news staff. Please listen, remembering that back in 1968, they didn't have the technology we enjoy today.
Hey, who was that "Doc Holiday? Too early for Al Eisenman...must be Ray Brown?
There is more great programming and music, mostly unscoped. Riviting reporting. Heartfelt content at its best.
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Thanks again to Dave S.!
Bud S. (
Thursday, November 3, 2011
"Sonny Martin" Signed Posters
Yes, you may think you've seen this poster before...and you have, one of them...but this is one that Jerry Sims, "Sonny Martin II" sent me with a roll of them awhile back. He'd snuck a signed one in there for me and, it being football season again, I just had to share it with you!
The note he included didn't have a date, but Jerry mentioned that he was consulting with his builder about a new house. He remembered Jerry from his "weather boy" days on TV (Jerry's description), but when he found out about Jerry's days at KAAY, he was 'way more impressed! Jerry had a stack left over and gave him one of these posters, which Jerry autographed as "Sonny Martin", (as he did on mine) at the builder's insistance. He framed it and put it above his jukebox in his game room...and Jerry sent me an autographed one as well, seen above.
Jerry went on in his letter to tell me that, "Pat Walsh, KAAY Manager, would have these printed each week during the season and you would see them in windows of homes and businesses all over Central Arkansas. We would usually hand them out (and stack up traffic) in front of the station in drive times all week."
He sent them to me the year the Razorbacks again played the Aggies and I made sure that I posted one.
This one is special to me, because he thought enough to autograph it for me. It is much larger than the other posters I rescued during my trip to Little Rock...which, incidentally, will be posted at later dates during the football season, so tune in and enjoy!
Bud S. (
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
KAAY May 16, 1968 With Tom Robbins
Another great historical audio addition, from Russell Wells! This deejay is Tom Robbins, but I am not sure who it is...someone awhile back made reference that Tom Robbins was Tommy Riggs; can anyone substantiate who this Tom Robbins is in this recording?
See this link for the reference I quoted above:
There were so many "Robbins", it's hard to remember the players. This Tom Robbins is taking Mike McCormick's place during this particular broadcast. This entry seems not to be 'scoped....
More great ads...makes me want to go get an Orange Crush right now! Sounds like Barry Wood....
Ron Owens (Walt Sadler) heads up the news.
or download here
Thanks again to Dave S.!
Bud S. (
See this link for the reference I quoted above:
There were so many "Robbins", it's hard to remember the players. This Tom Robbins is taking Mike McCormick's place during this particular broadcast. This entry seems not to be 'scoped....
More great ads...makes me want to go get an Orange Crush right now! Sounds like Barry Wood....
Ron Owens (Walt Sadler) heads up the news.
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Thanks again to Dave S.!
Bud S. (
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
A Couple Of "Steve Scott" Stories
Steve Morris, a.k.a. "Steve Scott", KAAY, 1974-1976 checked in with a couple of interesting stories! (notations are mine bs)
"In the two years I worked there, I did 1630-2300 (4:30 to 11:00 PM) hrs. M-F. From 1630 (4:30 PM) I did production. and at 1900 (7:00 PM) I took over the board to run 'THE WORLD TOMORROW' -Garner Ted Armstrong- which was an hour long program. We were located in the old Dr's bldg. (W. 7th Street) across the street from the State Capital and I lived less than a mile away. I'd run home and get my dog (FUNKY FUGLY! That was his on-the-air name!!) and get on back to the station hoping the pre-recorded tape didn't break while I was gone!! At 2000 (8:00 PM) it was time to rock-n-roll!! Nobody in the building at that time except me and Fugly, so I'd just let him run through the building until I needed 'him' to help me read the weather!! He was the ugliest PEEK-a-POO in the World. He would get on my lap while I was 'doing' the weather and I could make him growl and bark and he modulated the 50kw GIANT very well!! At 2300 (11:00 PM), it switched over the transmitter site for BEAKER STREET and me and Fugly headed home, where I went back on-the-air 80 meters ssb (Ham radio, folks bs).
One day I came in at 1630 (4:30 PM) and of course started the day by answering fan mail to me and Fugly (he got his share). When I checked my mailbox, it was stuffed with paper-towels & CRAP!! (literally). Seems as though Fugly had been going into Pat Walsh's office to take a dump on occasion!!! Pat had picked it up & stuffed into my mail box!!! I got the hint! BTW: Pat kept his door closed at night after that!!!!"
Oh, boy...good thing Pat Walsh was who he was, kind soul and all! So, Steve makes another Ham who worked at KAAY! A lot of Hams who got off the air (engineers, too) couldn't wind down right away, so they got on the air in amateur mode and talked themselves down- or into the sunrise, whichever occurred first!
I remember when Art Bell, W6OBB, was on the AM broadcast band airwaves overnight, "AM Coast-To-Coast"; he would also get on the amateur airwaves after his shift and he had a weird cult following there, as well. The frequency was 3.840 MHz in lower sideband mode, and one could continue to listen to odd goings-on. But this wasn't about Art Bell, it is about KAAY personnel, namely "Steve Scott"!
Steve currently resides here in the Mobile, AL area and worked at the local powerhouse, WABB before retirement. We hope to hear from him again very soon...thank you, Steve!
Bud S. (
"In the two years I worked there, I did 1630-2300 (4:30 to 11:00 PM) hrs. M-F. From 1630 (4:30 PM) I did production. and at 1900 (7:00 PM) I took over the board to run 'THE WORLD TOMORROW' -Garner Ted Armstrong- which was an hour long program. We were located in the old Dr's bldg. (W. 7th Street) across the street from the State Capital and I lived less than a mile away. I'd run home and get my dog (FUNKY FUGLY! That was his on-the-air name!!) and get on back to the station hoping the pre-recorded tape didn't break while I was gone!! At 2000 (8:00 PM) it was time to rock-n-roll!! Nobody in the building at that time except me and Fugly, so I'd just let him run through the building until I needed 'him' to help me read the weather!! He was the ugliest PEEK-a-POO in the World. He would get on my lap while I was 'doing' the weather and I could make him growl and bark and he modulated the 50kw GIANT very well!! At 2300 (11:00 PM), it switched over the transmitter site for BEAKER STREET and me and Fugly headed home, where I went back on-the-air 80 meters ssb (Ham radio, folks bs).
One day I came in at 1630 (4:30 PM) and of course started the day by answering fan mail to me and Fugly (he got his share). When I checked my mailbox, it was stuffed with paper-towels & CRAP!! (literally). Seems as though Fugly had been going into Pat Walsh's office to take a dump on occasion!!! Pat had picked it up & stuffed into my mail box!!! I got the hint! BTW: Pat kept his door closed at night after that!!!!"
Oh, boy...good thing Pat Walsh was who he was, kind soul and all! So, Steve makes another Ham who worked at KAAY! A lot of Hams who got off the air (engineers, too) couldn't wind down right away, so they got on the air in amateur mode and talked themselves down- or into the sunrise, whichever occurred first!
I remember when Art Bell, W6OBB, was on the AM broadcast band airwaves overnight, "AM Coast-To-Coast"; he would also get on the amateur airwaves after his shift and he had a weird cult following there, as well. The frequency was 3.840 MHz in lower sideband mode, and one could continue to listen to odd goings-on. But this wasn't about Art Bell, it is about KAAY personnel, namely "Steve Scott"!
Steve currently resides here in the Mobile, AL area and worked at the local powerhouse, WABB before retirement. We hope to hear from him again very soon...thank you, Steve!
Bud S. (
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sorry I haven't had time to add much to the Site lately, but I been working on a massive MONSTER project: my "Jonnie King Halloween Special For 2011".
It includes: Records, Music, Movies, Radio & TV. It's done in Three Sections, and if you go to one Section you can Link to the other two.
Part 1: My "Halloween Film Rarities For 2011"'ll have to look for some of these, they're that rare !
Part 2: "The Monster Mash Meets The Haunted House"...great Radio/Music memories. And it's Introduced by "Dracula" himself, BELA LUGOSI !
Part 3: "The Munsters" from TV with the Classic "Hot Rod Herman" Episode...the story is by the man who created the Munsters Cars (and the "Batmobile") GEORGE BARRIS. Plus, there's an Introduction by Grandpa Munster !!
Here's the Link that will start it...if you have time. Do it when you do have time as it's fairly intricate...but, really lots of FUN !
READY ? OKAY ! Let's start with everybody's favorite funny, freaky family: THE MUNSTERS:
All my best to each & every one of you...And! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !
Jonnie King

Sorry I haven't had time to add much to the Site lately, but I been working on a massive MONSTER project: my "Jonnie King Halloween Special For 2011".
It includes: Records, Music, Movies, Radio & TV. It's done in Three Sections, and if you go to one Section you can Link to the other two.
Part 1: My "Halloween Film Rarities For 2011"'ll have to look for some of these, they're that rare !
Part 2: "The Monster Mash Meets The Haunted House"...great Radio/Music memories. And it's Introduced by "Dracula" himself, BELA LUGOSI !
Part 3: "The Munsters" from TV with the Classic "Hot Rod Herman" Episode...the story is by the man who created the Munsters Cars (and the "Batmobile") GEORGE BARRIS. Plus, there's an Introduction by Grandpa Munster !!
Here's the Link that will start it...if you have time. Do it when you do have time as it's fairly intricate...but, really lots of FUN !
READY ? OKAY ! Let's start with everybody's favorite funny, freaky family: THE MUNSTERS:
All my best to each & every one of you...And! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !
Jonnie King
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
KAAY June 5, 1968 With A "Charlie King"
Thanks to Russell Wells, here's another "Charlie King" again! This segment opens with Ron Owens (Walt Sadler) and the news.
This "Charlie King" uses the "Kay-Why" identifier and this portion is also 'scoped on the music. More great ads on this Wednesday...he's also asking if " wanna buy a giraffe?" This program went on for 60 days.
KAAY was giving away $10.90 to parking ticket holders; when the ticket number was broadcast, the holder had 109 seconds to call the station (Franklin 5-0105) to claim his or her prize money. Where's that payphone?!?!?
or download here
Being on an afternoon shift, in the time frame he was at KAAY, and listening intently to the voice, I am going out on a limb and guessing this is really Charlie Scarbrough...any takers?
Bud S. (
This "Charlie King" uses the "Kay-Why" identifier and this portion is also 'scoped on the music. More great ads on this Wednesday...he's also asking if " wanna buy a giraffe?" This program went on for 60 days.
KAAY was giving away $10.90 to parking ticket holders; when the ticket number was broadcast, the holder had 109 seconds to call the station (Franklin 5-0105) to claim his or her prize money. Where's that payphone?!?!?
or download here
(or download from the archive page)
Being on an afternoon shift, in the time frame he was at KAAY, and listening intently to the voice, I am going out on a limb and guessing this is really Charlie Scarbrough...any takers?
Bud S. (
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Jerry would have been 69 years young today. But he's celebrating something greater today! I am thankful that I can call Jerry my friend. When we were unexpectedly put together by a chance e-mail a couple of years ago, it was a great blessing, an act of fate, karma or whatever you want to call it- but I am richer for it!
I contacted nine other KAAY enthusiasts and asked for help getting this blog together; Jerry was right there. Although not having the technical computer-wise know-how (and I personally still don't!), he practically gushed any and all information and materials he had to me for additions to the blog. I must admit, I was frantic as I searched and uncovered more material and, as I searched, Jerry helped, too, as well as several others. Our "gang of ten", due to work constraints, etc., dwindled down fast, but Jerry was steadfast. Others too, have come alongside, in our day-to-day building of this blog and have remained steadfast, as well.
Even after I met Jerry when he came to Mobile, AL on a business trip, he showed me more materials and pictures; when he got back to Little Rock, he had them scanned in and sent to me. To see him lovingly touch the mementos really tugged at my could tell this man loved what he did, not only at KAAY, but the other radio and TV stations at which he worked. Did I say "work"? To hear Jerry, he had some great times and those at KAAY seemed to be his most cherished! None of it was really work, he loved what he did!
Jerry volunteered for all kinds of things; flying saucer and elephant rides, sailboat sittings at the Arkansas State Fair, all kinds of remotes...he had so many memories, I was glad he shared some of them with us! Some, I'm sure, were humdrum, but others were exciting. And to hear him tell me over and over, in his humble way, of how he was a lucky kid, being in the right place at the right time, broadcasting over literally most of this hemisphere, was awesome! By the way, when I was a kid, I heard that kid on KAAY at night, too!
My time with Jerry in Little Rock was too short, but it was like trying to drink from an inch-and-a-half firehose at 90 p.s.i.! No wonder we both were so tired at the end of the days we spent together, touring Little Rock, visiting and sight-seeing. Jerry, as when he helped with this blog, poured himself into me, as The Kung Fu Master taught The Grasshopper. I felt small in this man's shadow, but his level of acceptance of me made me feel large, as well.
Jerry lived life; he was a successful businessman and loved playing softball. As I'd played and coached over two decades myself, I marvelled at this man, his devotion to the sport and his zest for travel to tournaments all over the U.S.A. His devotion to the blog showed, too...he'd e-mail or call me, telling me that he would be on another trip and unable to really communicate, but he'd check in on me and the blog when he got back.
That made me feel as if I were important to him! And he told me so, in so many words, in how he was appreciative of someone picking up the reins where A. J. Lindsey left them when his own blog ended. In fact, all The Greats and many fans of KAAY have said the same thing...very humbling, indeed, to this listener and fan of the station. Its employees, the standards they and KAAY set, are hardly paralleled today. My thanks to all of you in my work on this blog.
And so, today, October 23, will always be the day Jerry Sims enriched the world upon entering it...and for those times his now eternal voice was launched into the great ether of the sky, over most of this hemisphere, alongside that of Those Other Greats. Today is Jerry's day and I will remember it...because it is the day after my birthday, as well. Jerry, thank you for being one of the greatest presents the Maker ever gave me! Your friendship will always be remembered!
Please, everyone who visits today, and the days to come, put "Jerry Sims" in the upper left-hand search box and read all the entries from Jerry...he was a motherlode of information and stories! I promise, you'll smile, laugh, chortle and belly-laugh over some of the antics he got into....
Happy Birthday Jerry Sims!!!
Bud S. (
I contacted nine other KAAY enthusiasts and asked for help getting this blog together; Jerry was right there. Although not having the technical computer-wise know-how (and I personally still don't!), he practically gushed any and all information and materials he had to me for additions to the blog. I must admit, I was frantic as I searched and uncovered more material and, as I searched, Jerry helped, too, as well as several others. Our "gang of ten", due to work constraints, etc., dwindled down fast, but Jerry was steadfast. Others too, have come alongside, in our day-to-day building of this blog and have remained steadfast, as well.
Even after I met Jerry when he came to Mobile, AL on a business trip, he showed me more materials and pictures; when he got back to Little Rock, he had them scanned in and sent to me. To see him lovingly touch the mementos really tugged at my could tell this man loved what he did, not only at KAAY, but the other radio and TV stations at which he worked. Did I say "work"? To hear Jerry, he had some great times and those at KAAY seemed to be his most cherished! None of it was really work, he loved what he did!
Jerry volunteered for all kinds of things; flying saucer and elephant rides, sailboat sittings at the Arkansas State Fair, all kinds of remotes...he had so many memories, I was glad he shared some of them with us! Some, I'm sure, were humdrum, but others were exciting. And to hear him tell me over and over, in his humble way, of how he was a lucky kid, being in the right place at the right time, broadcasting over literally most of this hemisphere, was awesome! By the way, when I was a kid, I heard that kid on KAAY at night, too!
My time with Jerry in Little Rock was too short, but it was like trying to drink from an inch-and-a-half firehose at 90 p.s.i.! No wonder we both were so tired at the end of the days we spent together, touring Little Rock, visiting and sight-seeing. Jerry, as when he helped with this blog, poured himself into me, as The Kung Fu Master taught The Grasshopper. I felt small in this man's shadow, but his level of acceptance of me made me feel large, as well.
Jerry lived life; he was a successful businessman and loved playing softball. As I'd played and coached over two decades myself, I marvelled at this man, his devotion to the sport and his zest for travel to tournaments all over the U.S.A. His devotion to the blog showed, too...he'd e-mail or call me, telling me that he would be on another trip and unable to really communicate, but he'd check in on me and the blog when he got back.
That made me feel as if I were important to him! And he told me so, in so many words, in how he was appreciative of someone picking up the reins where A. J. Lindsey left them when his own blog ended. In fact, all The Greats and many fans of KAAY have said the same thing...very humbling, indeed, to this listener and fan of the station. Its employees, the standards they and KAAY set, are hardly paralleled today. My thanks to all of you in my work on this blog.
And so, today, October 23, will always be the day Jerry Sims enriched the world upon entering it...and for those times his now eternal voice was launched into the great ether of the sky, over most of this hemisphere, alongside that of Those Other Greats. Today is Jerry's day and I will remember it...because it is the day after my birthday, as well. Jerry, thank you for being one of the greatest presents the Maker ever gave me! Your friendship will always be remembered!
Please, everyone who visits today, and the days to come, put "Jerry Sims" in the upper left-hand search box and read all the entries from Jerry...he was a motherlode of information and stories! I promise, you'll smile, laugh, chortle and belly-laugh over some of the antics he got into....
Happy Birthday Jerry Sims!!!
Bud S. (
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